Comments and compliments, concerns and complaints
Listening to learn
Is there something you are pleased with? Is there something we could do better?
We want to listen to what you have to say so that we can learn,
change and improve.
Please use these steps to make your voice heard.
We will deal with concerns and complaints promptly, fairly,
and in as confidential a way as possible without risking harm to a child.
- If you have a comment, compliment or suggestion you can talk to us or email
- If you are a parent or carer of a child on roll in the schools you can give feedback about us on the Ofsted website at If enough parents do this, Ofsted makes the results public.
- If you have a concern or a complaint, please take these steps:
Step 1: Whatever it is you want to say, talk to your child's Key Person or to another member of the teaching team if your child’s Key Person isn't available. You can also talk to a member of the admin team.
Step 2: If you have difficulty discussing a concern with a particular member of staff, we will respect your views. In these cases, Mrs Helen Currie (Executive Headteacher), will refer you to another staff member. Similarly, if the member of staff directly involved feels unable to deal with a concern, Helen will refer you to another staff member. The member of staff may be more senior but does not have to be. The ability to consider the concern objectively and impartially is more important.
If this doesn’t work, the next step is to make a Formal Complaint:
Stage 1: Read through our Complaints Policy and Procedure. You can read it here, or ask for a hard copy from our Reception offices.
Write to Helen to explain the situation. We have a form you can use (download below), or you can write your own letter or email. Ask if you would like help with this. Helen will acknowledge Formal Complaints within 5 school days, and start investigating straight away.
You will probably be invited to a meeting with Helen, and if so you can bring a friend or relative with you; Helen may have someone there too.
After this you will get a written response saying what has happened and what we will do.
Stage 2: If you are not happy with the outcome of Stage 1, please write to the Clerk of Governors, ‘care of’ the school. They will organise for the Governing Body’s Complaints Committee to meet with you to seek resolution.
Next: Department for Education: If you think we have not followed our own procedures properly you can refer your complaint to the Department for Education online at:, by telephone on: 0370 000 2288 (lines are open 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday) or by writing to: Department for Education, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD
Or: Ofsted: If you are not satisfied that your complaint has been addressed, you can contact Ofsted directly on 0300 123 1231 (8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday).
And: Safeguarding: If you are concerned that the behaviour of a member of staff is putting a child at risk, please talk to one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads, whose photos are on the walls.
All incidents of a racist, bullying or sexist nature are recorded and monitored in accordance with London Borough of Waltham Forest policy.