Yoga Bugs !

A carefully designed 10 week programme to help improve your child’s overall emotional and physical wellbeing, for just £2 per week. This bespoke programme will play a crucial role in ensuring that your child is prepared when they eventually make the step up to primary school.
Places on this unique programme are limited. Classes started on the 29th April 2014. They take place at our Barclay site on Tuesdays, 1.30pm-2.30pm
Would you like your little one to take part in the YogaBugs programme at Walthamstow East Children’s Centre ? Once a week your child will be taken on exciting adventures that will improve posture, coordination, concentration and develop core skills, without ever leaving the Children Centre. All done through the medium of yoga.
Places on this unique programme are limited. Classes start week commencing 28th April 2014.
To book simply speak to someone at your nearest Children Centre or print the attached letter below and hand in the booking slip to your local Children Centre office along with your contact details.