Stay & Play at Visiting Day
This event will take place between 1:30pm and 3:00pm on 31/10/2024 and on Thursday each week thereafter until 10/07/2025.
- Between 21/10/2024 and 25/10/2024
- Between 11/12/2024 and 10/01/2025
- Between 01/01/2025 and 21/02/2025
- Between 28/03/2025 and 25/04/2025
- Between 26/05/2025 and 30/05/2025
Come and play, explore the nursery school and get to know the staff.
Tickets are free, and are 'first come, first served'. Please arrive early so you don't miss out.
We give the children snacks and drinks.
Things to know
1) One adult at once. If two adults come with a child, they must take turns. One plays while the other waits in Reception. Grown-ups take up a lot of space.
1) We are not set up for under 1s, so please don't bring babies by themselves.
2) If you or your child/ren are feeling unwell, please do not come to the play session. Keep good hand hygiene while you are here.
3) You can't use your mobile phone on school premises (or smoke or vape). If you need to make a phone call, tell a member of staff.
4) In the Autumn Term the first Visiting Days are after October half-term holiday. We don't hold them in September/October to give the children who are starting the time and space to settle in.