Vision and plans: this year and the future
Our longer-term planning is captured by these 5 Strategic Intents, which we re-set every 4 years. These are the intents from 2018-19 to 22-23:
- Children’s rights to be creative, imaginative, exploratory and have a voice – see Quality of Education priorities in annual plan
- Partnership working with parents and carers – see Personal Development priorities in annual plan
- Effective distributed leadership and partnership working across the federation – Leadership and management priorities in 4-year plan
- Secure governance and business planning for future sustainability – Leadership and management priorities in 4-year plan
- High quality equitable and ethical early education – Quality of Education priorities in 4-year plan
Annual plans
Every year we use our Principles, and our Strategic Intents to write our SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) School Development Plan.
Our Equalities Objectives are embedded in our School Development Plan.You can read them separately on the Equality and diversity page.